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Think outside the… square?

Another chocolate dispute in trademark matters is ruled by the German Federal Court “Ritter-Sport” packaging are protected as three-dimensional (3D) Trademarks for chocolate bars in class 30 in Germany since […]Read more

Comment breveter une application mobile Covid-19 ?

Dans le cadre du déconfinement, certains pays européens envisagent l’utilisation d’applications mobiles destinées à identifier les personnes ayant côtoyé un malade du Covid-19. Une application de « suivi de contacts » (tracing) […]Read more


In 3 decisions (C 18/2, C 18/3 and C 18/4), Office Freylinger’s team won a long-standing opposition case (started in 2013 …) followed by an appeal before the Benelux Court […]Read more

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