Qualifications / Education
European Patent Attorney
European Trademark & Design Attorney
Luxembourg IP Attorney (Conseil en Propriété Industrielle)
Master of Physics and Management, Lancaster, Great Britain
Romain joined the firm in 1998 with a university degree in physics and management from Lancaster University, Great Britain. Romain passed the European Qualifying Examination in 2004 and is admitted to practice before the Luxembourg Patent Office, the European Patent Office (EPO), the Benelux Trademark and Registered Design Office (BBM) and the Office for the Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHMI). He is also registered with the French Patent and Trademark Office (INPI) and with the Belgian Patent Office (OPRI).
Romain has extensive experience in handling patent work in the fields of physics and mechanics.
In 2013, Romain became Partner.
Technical & Scientific Fields
Practice Areas
- Draft and prosecution of patent applications
- Patent analysis and searches
- Patent litigation
- And more generally advising on all patent related matters
- Physics in general
- Mechanics
- Steelmaking, Metallurgy and siderurgy
- Automobile equipment
- Fuel delivery
- Burning and treatment (in particular for the automotive industry)
- Measurement technology & sensing equipment
- Energy management
- Renewable energy (wind turbines)
- Nuclear technology (safety of fuel cycle, nuclear reactors, nuclear waste management, nuclear safeguards and security)
- Information technology (computer simulations and modelling; information transfer and security)
EPI (Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office)
FCPIL (Fédération des conseils en propriétés industrielle au Luxembourg)